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Program: Oops
Title: Opus Outbound Parcel Sniffer - Loose Notes
Version: 0.36
Release: 19 Aug 1987
Author: Tom Kashuba, PComm, FidoNet 167/1, (Crash Accepted)
What's new with this version:
___/ 0.36 ... 19-Aug-87 \___
This is the first GENERAL RELEASE version of Oops. It is not
intended to be a full implmentation of Oops' stated design goals
but, rather, a reasonably stable foundation upon which to mature.
There is no documentation available at the time of this release
due to my impending flight to the 4th National Sysop Convention
where this release will first make its debut.
Sometime thereafter, some form of documentation will be made
available as a separate file and, then, as part of the Oops
distribution kit.
o User File Manager changes ...
- Fixed decimal rounding & display of User CR/DB fields.
- Changed upload "rate" calc to (UL-DL)/(CALLS+1)
- Removed Sysop from screen titles for longer SysNames
- Increased menu size to 3 lines (from 2 )
- Added C)lear command to reset Time & DL limits ONLY!
- Removed unnecessary screen repaint in cancelled Zap
- Fixed record not being displayed after a J)ump
(Refer to the section "Revision History" for all past changes)
The design intent of 'Oops' is to become a generalized Opus
environmental editor. A number of general features have been
incorporated to make life a little easier, such as:
o Uses the Opus ".prm" file to pickup all basic environmental data.
o Uses either BIOS video or generic ANSI (future remote use).
o Sets outbound path from Opus .PRM file or by command line.
o Has a remote mode wherein Oops terminates on loss of CARRIER.
o Sets system Address, Sysop, and Name from Opus .PRM file.
In its initial releases, it concentrates on facilities to manipulate
the Opus outbound "holding" area. Its key functions are:
o User Files Maintenance Function
o System Area Maintenance Function
o Outbound Mail Maintenance Function
- Initiates Naked POLLs via Null FidoNet Packets ("Bundles")
- Initiates Quick File Requests (creates NULL bundles if needed)
- Initiates Quick File Sends (creates .?LO file)
- Lists all pertinent mail type object in the hold area.
- Optionally display the files within ATTACH'd lists.
- Optionally display empty, zero-length ARCmail entries.
- Expand funtion: Lists From/To/Subj of messages within bundles.
- Erase function: Delete mail objects.
- Address function: Changes dest address of mail objects.
- Handling function: Changes object handling (Norm,Direct,Hold,etc)
- Raw Directory: Lists ANY files in outbound (or other) dir's.
- Merges bundles when necessary due to address changes.
- Merges file lists when necessary due to address changes.
As the basic Opus structures have already been incorporated, future
versions of Oops are planned to have:
o System integrity verification.
o Opus .PRM file editor - could eliminate manual .CTL editing.
o Anything else I can think of or is suggested - hint!
o Possible bundler/unbundler - We'll see.
Oops takes all its necessary operational information from a given
.PRM file name via the "(name)" command line option or via a "OOPS="
in the environment. This option can simply specify the root name
of the .PRM file or can also include a prepended path to use a parm
file in another directory. No extension is allowed.
Ex: Oops opus .......... use Opus.Ctl in current directory
Ex: Oops \abc\myparm ... use MyParm.Ctl in directory "\abc"
For testing purposes, you can also separately specify the outbound
mail path so as to override the outbound path found in the given
Opus parm file. This allows you to create a separate work area in
which to shake down Oops without fear of destroying your real mail
hold area.
Ex: Oops opus -o\work .. use Opus.Ctl, force Outbound path "\work"
When Oops begins execution, it will show you the default parameters,
pause for anykey, and will then bring you to the Main Function Menu.
User File Maintenance ...
This function is straight forward. Much like most User File
editors. It has an interesting "Find Suspect Records" command
and a user lister with text search on name and location fields.
System Area Maintenance ...
This function allows you to display, editor, create, or delete
Opus System Areas including the Root System (System.Bbs).
Outbound Function ...
This function is the "raison d'etre" for for Oops. When selected,
the screen clears and Oops "sniffs" the outbound area for mail
type objects such as File and Request lists, Bundles, and Arc's.
A screen will then be presented, vaguely similar to Lotus, listing
all the mail objects found. ATTACH lists are not expanded nor are
zero length ARCmail items listed. The "#" and "0" options reverse
those defaults.
General operation is conducted by pressing a function's key. If
the function modifies an object, you are then prompted for the
entry number of the object. If the desired operation is allowed
on that object, operation continues.
A limited help screen will be shown with the "?" key.
Quick Start Guide ...
If your Opus root dir is "C:\OPUS" and your Opus parm file's name is
Opus.Prm, then the following will get you going real quick ...
1. Place Oops.Exe in Opus Root
2. Issue the DOS command "SET OOPS=c:\Opus\Opus"
3. Run "Oops"
If you want to test run on a separate outbound test area, then use the
"-o(path)" command to override the outbound path found in the .PRM file.
Run: "Oops -oC:\TEST" (Assuming steps 1-3, above)
You can forgo the environmental SET option and just enter the Opus parm
file name on the command line without any prefix ...
Run: "Oops Opus -oC:\TEST" .. Use Opus.Prm (curr dir), C:\TEST outbound
Run: "Oops Opus .. Use Opus.Prm (curr dir), normal outbound
The command line option of "-h" will show the command line switches.
PREVIOUS Revision History ...
In lieu of any formal documentation for Oops, use this revision history
as a form of on-going features list.
___/ 0.35a ... 17-Aug-87 \___
o User
- Moved "Jump to Area" prompt to standard message position
- Fixed certain user field updates not setting UPDATE flag
- Fixed User List age call & display
- Added "Benefit Ratio" {UL*UL/(DL+1)} to Sort & List
- Fixed Menu and Privilege prompt typos
- Added M)ark and P)ack to Menu
o Area
- BBS Path: Allow spec w/o trailing '\'. Prompts, if none.
o Outbound
- SendFile: Added prompt to allow files that aren't found.
___/ 0.34a ... 15-Aug-87 \___
Quick maintenance release to increase stack from 2k to current 4k.
V0.33a's 2k stack may cause problems in some environments. Please
replace v0.33a as soon as possible.
___/ 0.33a ... 12-Aug-87 \___
o Area Manager
- Fix path input routine so that any missing '\' is appended.
- Added "* CHANGED *" screen indicator to show pending changes.
o Outbound Manager
- Tweaked Screen Colors minorly
___/ 0.32a ... 03-Aug-87 \___
o Overall
- Added Execute option to skip Menu (eg, -xa to jump into Area Mgr)
- Internal fixes (Global Pgm Ver, Name, Tit)
- Allow ",.=" to mean "<>+" {Doug Boone}
- Cleaned up some memory management problems
- ... and many ideas nefariously linked to Bob Davis
o Outbound
- Added Naked POLL via Null, 60 byte F-Net packet
- Zero Arc option now only effective when Files option ON.
- Fixed bug that ignored Zero Arc's {Rick Moore}
- Added "POLL" object title for 60 byte "poll" bundles
o Area Maintenance
- The +- and <> meanings have reversed (+- ActArea, <> PhysArea)
- Home/"B"/"1" are all equivalent meaning Beginning Area
- End/"E"/"0" are all equivalent meaning Ending Area
- Added R)estore area (from disk) option
- Default area data now partially based on System.Bbs record
- Changed Priv setting to menu select, not rotates
- Added W)rite (save area) option
o User Maintenance
- Home/"B"/"1" are all equivalent meaning Beginning Record
- End/"E"/"0" are all equivalent meaning Ending Record
- Added R)estore user data (from disk) option
- Added multi-field user sort with 1st record freeze option.
- Eliminated need for "E" Edit Prefix in editing fields.
- Added W)rite (save rec) Option
- Added confirmation prompt to APPEND Record Option
- Added Update Check / SAVE check upon possible record change
- Added "Marked Records" to User List function options
- Cleaned up the code a bit
- Changed Priv and Help to menu select, not rotates.
- Reduced unneeded screen regens
___/ 0.31a ... 01-Aug-87 \___
o Overall
- Removed CodeView hooks ( 192k -> 100k )
o Area Maintenance
- Fixed NORMAL priv problem (blush) {Rick Moore}
- Increased Call Count i/o max to 9,999,999
- Fixed problem w/Update Sensing upon ">" or "<"
- Added clear of Msg & File Area Titles with a <CR>
- Added clear of Msg, DnLd, & UpLd Path's with a <CR>
o Outbound
- Added ditto's (") for multiple object address display
- Added full handling of Orphan Call trigger files.
- Optimized display code a little
- Fixed bug that displayed all new attaches as HOLD
o User Maintenance
- Improved PRIV handling (no problem, just cleaner)
___/ 0.30a ... 30-Jul-87 \___
o Converted to LARGE model (Ugh, Grrrr, Rocks to BelleVue)
o Added User List function to User Maintenance
o Corrected problem with display ordering of newly added objects
o Compiler Error! Compiler Error! Compiler Error! Compiler Error!
___/ 0.28a ... 26-Jul-87 \___
o Changed REQ file tagging method from .?LO file to NULL Bundle
o Added NodeList look-up to REQ file function
o Added User File Path pickup from Opus .PRM file
o Fixed FATAL Memory Allocation Bug
o Added .REQ object type for display & requesting
o Added Quick File Request (WaZoo protocol only)
o Fixed eXpand packet to handle Aberrant Dates (finally)
o Added initial, front end menu for other future functions
o Added environment variable "OOPS=(Parm File Path)"
o Added .PKT object type for display & future re-bundling
o Added prompt for Handling to Send and Request File option
o Shrunk data area by one line to increase menu size
o Changed Display's R)egen -> !)Regen
o Added a little color to help display
o Changed outbound preload "sniffing" display
0.27a ... 17-Jul-87
o Added handling of DFO and NOT object types
o Fixed Over-Scroll in Expand-Packet display
o Touched up screen display positioning
o Altered coloring philosophy (hat to Jan Vandenbos)
0.26a ... 16-Jul-87
o Added CONFIRM to erase function
o Added -C and -C0 switches to force color ON or OFF, respectively
o Fixed the Packet Merge (I think)
o Sped up the screen painting as much as BIOS would allow.
o Added the much needed confirmation to the Erase (DELETE) function.
o Added a little more consistency to the screen annotations
o Changed several option letters for more 1-key actions
o I cleaned up the color settings
0.25a ... 15-Jul-87
o Added merge of Bundles and File Lists
o Added packet expansion
o Added directory display
o Added Failed Call handling
0.20a ... 13-Jul-87
o Added Quick File Send
0.10a ... 10-Jul-87
o First test release, mail object display only
11th Hour User Notes:
- v0.36 uses overlays to better use memory for those of you running
with limited memory or in a multitasked environment.
- In multitasked environments, should you be in outbound and your
other partition is altering the outnound state, you should occasionally
do a quick "QO" command to QUIT outbound and immediately re-enter it.
This will cause a re-scan if the outbound area. ReGen just repaints
the screen to clear up any line-noise screen garbage.
- Whenever a merge of file attach lists is triggered by such things
as address or handling changes, there is no check on duplicates.
The resulting file list will then contain the exact sum of the
original two file lists, one after the other. For the time being
if you see that happen, you can correct the "xxxxxxxx.?LO" file
with your text editor. Yeah, I know. It shouldn't happen very
often, though, as one seldom has different ATTACH lists to the
same node but with different handling.
- All major Outbound functions have *NOT* been tested with very large
outbound areas.